I came out west when I was eighteen years old. I was in search of a new start, new chances, and ultimately, a better me. I grew up in a small town, and I enjoyed it- but I knew there were bigger things out there, new experiences and exciting changes ahead. Now, I have been gone for many years, I have moved several times since I first landed in Wyoming, and I still dearly love going back home and getting to spend time with my family.
I will always be from that small town, and it will always be my home, yet the things that I have been able to experience have widened my viewpoint, and I would like to hope, made me a better person.
Because of that, when I look at Kylee, I remember the excitement and joy of those new changes and I see that reflected in her. Sure, there will be some tears along the way, but Kylee has a great family to support her and back her up, and she has that home to come back to and always have a place to return to her roots and the comfort that is her home.
Kylee is leaving in the fall to attend Salish-Kootenai College and is going to be majoring in Pre-Med. With that done, the sky is the limit for what this bright, sweet girl can accomplish!
Kylee- Your quick, sweet smile is beautiful, and it shows the great qualities that you’ve got inside of you. No matter where you go and what you do, don’t forget to come home and share those experiences, good or bad, with your family. They will revel in the joys with you and cry through the hard times, but they will always be there for you. I look forward to hearing what doors open up to you and where you get to go. No matter what, enjoy it! 🙂
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