Have you ever had something that you dreaded having to do? Something that you knew was coming, you would do anything in your power to change it, and yet, it draws inexorably closer until you have to just take a few deep breaths and plunge ahead.
That’s a little bit how John felt about his senior photo session 🙂
Don’t worry, John, you’re not alone. I’m pretty sure most of my senior guys out there have felt the exact same way as you and would support you in this!
In spite of that, and perhaps because of it, the pictures that we got on Johns session are some of my favorite!
John is going to be attending FPCC in the fall for Pre-engineering and then transfer to finish his degree in engineering- can we say MOTIVATION? In the world of technology and all the advancements that are being made, engineering is definitely a start on the path to success! The fear of failure is always in the back of our minds, whether it be failing at a job, failing at school, or failing a human relationship, just remember, nothing is a failure until you give up. Each challenge, each setback that you may face is only preparing you and making you stronger so that you can overcome the next.
You have already experienced some of those challenges, and look at where you are. Through helping your family, persevering through the undoubtedly rough times, you have come out stronger and ready to take on this next chapter of your life. As long as you continue to show that same appreciation and tenacity, the sky is not even your limit anymore. We are proud of you, and can’t wait to hear how things turn out for you!
Alisha and Enrique, John wanted to extend a special thanks for the support and help that you have been in his life and in helping him to get where he is. Family is the root of our society, and when it seems sometimes like those roots are fading, it is so great to see the importance you have been able to play in each others lives.
John, thank you so much for being so great on our session! We really enjoyed it, and we love that even though this isn’t necessarily something you were looking forward to, you took terrific photographs! We are so glad that you let us capture this time in your life. It may seem of little importance now, but these are the photos that you will show your children, your grandchildren, and say “Wow, see how young and handsome I looked back then?” 🙂 We loved your handsome smile, your easy manner and your sense of style. Have a wonderful summer, and here are your photos!