I am so excited to get to share this adorable family session today!
It’s one of my favorite things to get to take pictures and document memories for our dear friends, and Bean and Robyn certainly fall into that category.
Robyn is a friend that I kind of inherited from Denton.
When I moved to Billings, Montana in 2008, I didn’t know anybody, I didn’t have a job, and I was really just chasing Denton. Haha.
I don’t even remember for certain when I met Robyn, I just knew as soon as I did that she was someone that I was going to love!
She ended up helping me get a job at the place where she worked, and in those years, we were able to work together, hang out, teach the Bible together and make a lot of great memories. I enjoyed working with her until we decided to move out of Billings and relocate here to Wolf Point.
Once Denton and I moved, life just sort of happened and we were busy with health issues and just getting by, and Bean and Robyn had their life happening, and so as it frequently does, we did not stay in touch frequently and rarely spoke. We would be able to see each other at annual gatherings in Billings, and it was always fun to pick right back up where we had left off and enjoy their company again. So, when Robyn reached out about getting family pictures done, I was thrilled! I knew that it would be a great time, and we were excited to get to spend some time with their littles that we had hardly gotten the chance to meet!
It’s one of those little things in life that just adds to the joy and contentment of friendships, being able to go such long stretches of time without seeing someone that you love, as you are living your life and they are living theirs, and yet, being able to come back together and pick right back up where you left off, as if no time has passed.
We had such a wonderful day getting to spend time with them on this session, and we hope that some of that joy is reflected here. We truly value Bean and Robyn and love them as people, and for the example that they are setting. While life is happening and we are all busy, they are the people that we know are doing well, they are raising their family with the right values, they are applying those same values in their life, and we can rely on them always being there and being stable. We know that next time we see them, they will have coped and overcome whatever struggles they faced in that season, and they will come out on top because of what they put first in their life.
Bean & Robyn- We love you and your sweet family! We had such a wonderful time getting to see you and spend this evening together, so I hope that you love your pictures and that they bring back happy memories and give you something that you can enjoy forever, looking back on this time with your babes! These are just the highlights, the rest of your gallery is on it’s way… 🙂
A beautiful family, one of happiness and love. Wonderful job of capturing that essence of life with the Petree’s